Nermin’s project is titled " Preventing Suicide through Smartphone Applications - Examining the Effectiveness of the Integrated Care to Help At-Risk Teens (iCHART) through Mobile Sensing Indicators". He will examine the utilization of Digital Health interventions in preventing suicide thoughts and behaviors among adolescents at a high risk for suicide.

Nermin completed his PhD in the Department of Psychology at Bar-Ilan University and received the Presidential Scholarship. His PhD research focused on examining the predictive utility of the Death/Suicide- Implicit Association Test on short-term suicide risk among adolescents.

He was recently awarded the Institutional Scholarship for his post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Community Mental Health at the University of Haifa, leading innovative research aimed at enhancing imminent suicide risk identification during clinical assessment through the use of machine learning techniques and computerized screening tools.

His recent publications include:

Toukhy, N., Gvion, Y., Barzilay, S., Apter, A., Haruvi-Catalan, L., Lavidor, M., ... & Hamdan, S. (2024). Implicit or explicit self-associations with life and death? Predicting short-term self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among adolescents. Death Studies, 1-12.

Toukhy, N., Gvion, Y., Barzilay, S., Apter, A., Haruvi-Catalan, L., Bursztein-Lipsicas, C., Shilian, M., Mijiritsky, O., Benaroya-Milshtein, N., Fennig, S. & Hamdan, S. (2023). Implicit Identification with Death, Clinician Evaluation and Suicide Ideation among Adolescent Psychiatric Outpatients- The Mediating Role of Depression. Archives of Suicide Research, 1-13.

Toukhy, N., Barzilay, S., Hamdan, S., Grisaru-Hergas, D., Haruvi-Catalan, L., Levis Frenk, M., Apter, A., Benaroya-Milshtein, N., Fennig, S. & Gvion, Y. (2023). Implicit Identification with Death Detects and Predicts Short Term Suicide Risk among Adolescents discharged from the Emergency Room. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviors, 53(3),499-509.

Nermin Toukhy