Omer Maliniak was awarded a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue his research on the changing musical syntax and form in eighteenth-century music, from the Baroque stylistic period to the Classical one.

Omer earned his Ph.D. in musicology at Bar-Ilan University under the supervision of Professor Yoel Greenberg, researching the formal evolution of concerto first movements in the eighteenth century from a diachronic perspective and using qualitative measures, unlike the traditional synchronic and qualitative approaches in the field of musical research. The article that stemmed from this research, Maliniak, Omer, and Yoel Greenberg, "Follow the Solo: The Formal Evolution of the Concerto in the Eighteenth-Century," Music Theory Spectrum 44/2 (2022): 231-259 was selected by the Society of Music Theory for the Outstanding Publication Award.

Aside from his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in music, Omer also holds a B.A. in psychology and has a background in cognitive science research.

Alongside his research work, Omer is an educator, teaching in multiple high school music programs, also developing learning materials in several projects on behalf of the Israeli Ministry of Education.

Omer Maliniak