Tzvi was awarded a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue his research project titled "Mysticism, Psychology, and Science: Early Modern Kabbalah and the Proto-Scientific Discourse on Psychology during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries".

Tzvi completed a BA in education at Herzog College and a MA in the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University, both summa cum laude. He pursued his PhD dissertation in the Department of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the supervision of Professor Jonathan Garb. As a doctoral student he received an award from the Hebrew University, Mandel School Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students. During this time, he was awarded the Jewish Memorial Foundation Doctoral Grant and The Sir Sigmund and Lady Hazel Sternberg Prizes for Interfaith Understanding. Tzvi also organized and directed a Ph.D. student’s deliberation group and taught a BA course in the Department of Jewish Thought.

Tzvi’s publications include:

2023.  Anti-Catholicism in Jewish Garb: Criticism of the Catholic Church in the 'Seven Days of Truth' – the Italian Composition of Rabbi Moshe David Valle, Zion [Hebrew]

2022.  `“Repulse The Crooked” – Why Did R. Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto (Ramchal) Compose Mesilat Yesharim?` Daat: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah (forthcoming in Volume 93) [Hebrew]

2021.   ` “The Secret of That Herb”: Mystical Smoking from Italian Sabbateanism to Hasidism`, Modern Judaism - A Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience, Vol. 41, No. 3, (2021), pp. 317–338


Tzvi Luboshitz