Tiba Hamza was awarded an open study research fellowship to pursue the "Development of Synthetic Cells that Express Gas Vesicles" with Professor Avi Schroeder at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. The envisioned project aims to express gas vesicles, a hollow protein nanostructure encapsulating air that produces ultrasound contrast, in synthetic cells. The cells are easily engineered cell-mimicking microparticles with protein-production capabilities. The potential applications include the integration of the technology with ultrasound for remotely activated drug release and localization as well as contributing to the understanding of the impacts of synthetic cells in the body. Tiba's research interests lie in the usage of medical imaging technologies for therapeutic purposes.
Tiba completed her BS in chemical engineering with a biomolecular focus at Caltech, where she worked on the implementation of remote control of mechanochemical reactions using gas vesicles and ultrasound with Professor Mikhail Shapiro.

Tiba Hamza