Dan Edidin is professor of mathematics at University of Missouri.  He received his undergraduate degree at Johns Hopkins University and his PhD from MIT, both in mathematics.  Before joining the faculty at Missouri, he was an NSF postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago.

Dan’s original training was in algebraic geometry, which studies the solution sets of systems of multivariate polynomial equations. His early work was on problems that arise when a symmetry group acts on the system of equations. In recent years, Dan’s research has focused on applying the techniques he developed in algebraic geometry to questions in applied mathematics. While in Israel, Dan will work with Dr. Tamir Bendory of the School of Engineering at Tel Aviv University on the project “Representation theory and molecular imaging”.

A recent publication related to the project is:

T. Bendory, D. Edidin, “The sample complexity of sparse multi-reference alignment and single particle cryo-electron microscopy”, SIAM Journal on the Mathematics of Data Science, 2024.

Dan Edidin