Carrie Anne Thomas was awarded a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship to carry out her research project titled “Engagement with Diverse Picturebooks in Israel” under the mentorship of Dr. Rachel Ravid at Oranim Academic College of Education. This research project is a qualitative inquiry seeking to investigate the intrapersonal and interpersonal cultural and linguistic connections that diverse students in Israel make when engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse picturebooks during a researcher-led book club. Immediately prior to receiving her Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carrie Anne studied for her PhD in literature for children and young adults at The Ohio State University. She also holds a Master of Science in applied linguistics from the University of Oxford and a Master of Arts in educational leadership and policy from Beijing Normal University. Additionally, she is a licensed K-12 teacher and has taught English language arts and English as a second language in multiple countries. 

The following is one of her publications on linguistically and culturally diverse picturebooks:
Thomas, C. A., & Samjose, B. (2022). “My Name Is...”: Picturebooks Exploring Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Names. Names, 70(4), Article 4.

Carrie Anne Thomas