Maya Gayer is a content creator and editor with vast experience in the media field, specializing in making academic knowledge accessible to the general public.

Before receiving the Fulbright grant, she worked as a senior director of programming and editor at  Galei Zahal radio, serving for the past seven years as editor-in-chief of “Ha-Universita Ha-Meshuderet”, and co-editor of the program's book series. In the past few years, she also held the position of director of the Persitz Program in arts management at the Tel Aviv–Jaffa Municipality and head content editor of the science documentary series “The Future is Already Here” aired on KAN (the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation). Additionally, Maya was an adjunct professor and lecturer for a podcasting workshop at Sapir Academic College and the University of Haifa. 

Maya received an MA (magna cum laude) and a BFA (summa cum laude) in film and television studies from Tel Aviv University.

Maya was awarded the Fulbright fellowship in Public Humanities to pursue an MA in oral history at Columbia University.

Maya Gayer