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Host institute A.B. Institute for Samaritan Studies AA archives; Al-Anon Archives Adelphi University Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering Agricultural Research Center Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), Volcani Center AKIM Al Faroc School Kseife Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education Albany Medical College Albert Einstein Albert Einstein College of Medicine Albright Inst. of Archaeological Research Albright Institute Allegheny College Alliant International University Alvernia University Amakim-Tavor Regional High School Amal educational network American University Amherst College Andover Newton Theological School Andrews University Antietam Elementary School Antioch M-McGregor University Archives (various) Archives of American Art Argonne National Laboratory Arizona State University Arlington Career Center Armenian Seminary, St. Nersess Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health Ashkelon Academic College Ashkelon Municipal Secondary School At large AT&T Labs Research Atlanta Boy Scouts Augustana College Austin College Ball State University Baltimore Hebrew College Bank of Israel Bar Ilan University & Tel Aviv University Bar Ilan University/ Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Bar-Ilan University Bar-Ilan University-Faculty of Medicine (Galilee) Bard College Barnard College Baruch College Baylor College of Medicine Baylor University Beersheba Munic Sec School Beilinson Hospital Beit Berl College Beit Noar Novomisky Beit Sefer - Hanisui (School) Beit Yerach School Bell Telephone Laboratories Beloit College Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sade Boker Campus Beth Israel Hospital/Harvard University Bethlehem School District Bethlehem University Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Binghamton University Board of Jewish Educ. of Greater Washington-MD Boston Children's Hospital Boston College Boston Technical High School Boston University Bowdoin College Bowling Green State University Brandeis University Brigham and Womenג€™s Hospital Brigham Young University Brookhaven National Laboratory Brooklyn College Brooklyn College & CUNY Graduate School Brown University Bryn Mawr College Bucknell University Buena Vista University Buffalo State Bureau of Mines, Federal Center, Denver Cairo California Institute of Integral Studies California Institute of the Arts California State University, Chico California State University, East Bay California State University, Fresno California State University, Los Angeles California State University, Sacramento Caltech - California Institute of Technology Carleton College Carlsbad High School Carnegie Institute of Technology Carnegie Institution, Stanford Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon/Southern California Case Western Reserve University Catlin Gabel School Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Central Lakes College Centre College of Kentucky Centre for Educational Technology Children's Hospital-Los Angeles Cincinnati Childrenג€™s Hospital Medical Center Circom City of Hope Medical Center Claremont Graduate University Claremont McKenna College Claremont Men's College Clark University Clemson University Cleveland International Program (CIP) Cleveland Museum Cleveland State University Coastal Carolina University Colby College Colgate University College of Law and Business College of New Rochelle College of Saint Rose College of Staten Island College of William & Mary Colorado Academy Colorado College Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University Columbia College Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University Cornell/Yale Council for Higher Education Creighton University CUNY Cuyahoga Country Youth Services-Cleveland Czech Technical University in Prague Dallas Theological Seminary Dartmouth College David Yellin College of Education Davidson College Decision Research Delaware University Denison University DePaul University Dept of Environmental Protection-State of NJ Dickinson College Dominican University of California Douglas Aircraft Drexel University Drury University Druze High School for Science Duke University Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Earlham College Eastern Mennonite University Eckerd College Ecumenical Inst for Adv Theol Study Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Edusystems 2000 Eithan Freed English Center Elem Emek Medical Center Emerson College Emory University Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc Exxon Fairfield University Fairleigh Dickinson University Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, NYC Fellman Studio Inc. Florida Atlantic University Florida State University Fogg Art Museum Fordham University Fox Chase Cancer Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Fredonia Free-Lance Writer Freie Universitֳ₪t Berlin Gallaudet University General Electric Company General Motors Research Geological Survey of Israel George Mason University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University Gettysburg College Gonzaga University Gordon College Gordon College of Education Graetz College Grinell College Grove City College Hadassah Academic College Hadassah Brandeis Institute Hadassah Medical Center Hadassah, Joint Distribution Committee Hadassah-WIZO Canada Hadassah-WIZO Canada Research Institutet Hahnemann University Hospital Haifa Municipality Hamline University Hampshire College Hanover College Harvard College Harvard Medical School Harvard University Harvard, Yale Harvard/Brandeis Harvard/UC Berkeley Haskins Laboratories Haverford College Hebrew U. & Shalom Hartman Inst Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Hebrew University/Bar Ilan University Herzliya Municipality Herzog Hospital HIT-Holon Institute of Technology Hofstra College Hofstra University Hoover Institution Hospital for Special Surgery-NY Howard University Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Hunter College IBM Research Center ICA ICA- Tel Aviv Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University of Pennsylvania Institute for Advanced Study Institute of Advanced Study Institute of Applied Social Researc Institute of Productivity International Atomic Energy Agency International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) Iowa State University Iowa State University/Harvard Israel Anti Drug Authority (IADA) Israel Electric company Israel Police Israeli Channel 2 News Jacksonville State College JDC Israel Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) Jerusalem Municipality John Jay College of Criminal Justice Johns Hopkins University Kansas State University Kaye Academic College of Education Kennesaw State University Kent State University Kenyon College Kibbutzim College of Education Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts Lafayette College Langley Porter Institute Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Radiation Lab Lecturer-at-Large Lehigh University Lewis & Clark College Library of Congress London School of Economics Long Island University Los Alamos Scientific Lab Los Angeles State College Louisiana State University Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago Mandel Foundation-Israel Marist College Marquette University Mary Baldwin College Maryland Institute College of Art Marywood University Massachusetts College of Art and Design Massachusetts Corp. for Educational TV Massachusetts General Hospital MassArt Matnas Arava Matzmichim - The Israeli Violence Reduction Organization Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel Mayo Clinic Medical College of Pennsylvania Medical College of Virginia Mellon Institute Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Mercy College Metropolitan State University MGH Institute of Health Professions Michigan State University Michigan Technological University-Houghton Middle East Technical University Middle Tennessee State University Middlebury College Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey Ministry of Construction & Housing, Israel Ministry of Education, Israel Ministry of Health, Israel Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor, Israel Ministry of Justice, Israel Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Israel Minot State University Minshar School of Art Mississippi Opera Assn. Missouri State University MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT and Eugene Decision Research Center MIT/UC-Berkeley/Rice Mizrachi Youth Center-Haifa Montclair State College Montclair State University Montefiore Hospital Monterey Institute for International Studies Moorhead State University Morgan State University Mount Holyoke College Mount Saint Mary College Mount Sinai Hospital Miami Beach Mount Sinai Hospital-Los Angeles Mount St. Joseph University Municipality of Holon Municipality of Tel Aviv Nat'l Cntr for Atmospheric Res/U. of Colorado Nat'l Inst Neurological Disorders & Strokes National Archives/UN Archive National Bureau of Economic Research National Development& Research Institutes,Inc National Institute of Mental Health National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Jewish Hospital Research Institute-denver Naval Postgraduate School Naval Research Laboratory Nazareth Academic Institute Nazareth College of Rochester Nebraska Medical Center Netanya Academic College Neurim Secondary Technical Sch Nevada State College New Bulgarian University New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New Mexico State University New York Law School New York Medical College New York University & Princeton North Carolina Memorial Hospital-Chapel Hill North Carolina State University North High School Northeastern Illinois University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northern Illinois University Northwestern University Northwestern/Brandeis/Harvard Nova Southeastern University NY State Inst for Research-Mental Retardation NYU and Columbia University NYU Medical Center NYU-New York University Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oakland University Ochsner Medical Foundation-New Orleans Oklahoma State University Ono Academic College Oranim Academic College of Education Oregon Health & Science University Oregon State University Oregon/UC-Santa Cruz ORT Braude College of Engineering ORT Technical High School Ossining Secondary School Pace University Pacific Lutheran University Pacific Northwest College of Art Packard Bell Computer Corp. Palm Beach Community College Pan American Petroleum Corp. Parsons School of Design Pennsylvania State University Philadelphia University Philadelphia, PA Field Placement Polytechnic Institute of NY Pomona College Portland State Uni/Georgia Inst. Of Technology Portland State University Pratt Institute Prime Minister's Office of Israel Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton University Princeton University/NYU Princeton/Sloan Kettering Inst. for Cancer Res. Princeton/Syracuse Princeton/UCLA Private Legal Firm Psychiatric Clinic Inc. Purchase College Purdue University Qadiri Sufi Center Queens College Quinnipiac University Radcliffe College Ramapo College Of New Jersey Rambam Health Care Campus RCA Research Laboratories Reconstructionist Rabbinical College Regent University Rehovot Municipality Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) Renal Research Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Research Institute for the Study of Man Research Institute, Oregon Rhode Island School of Design Rhodes College RIAS, Division of Martin Co. Rice University RiddimAthon!R Inc. & BankSt. College Rochester Institute of Technology Rockland Community College Rogers School Rokach Hospital Roosevelt University Rosary College Rowan University Ruppin Academic Center Rush University Medical Center Russel Sage College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Saint Louis University Salisbury University Samuel Neaman Institute San Diego City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Francisco Theological Seminary San Jose State University Santa Fe Institute Savannah College of Art & Design Schneider Children's Hospital-Beterem Safe Kids School for International Training School of Visual Arts School of Visual Arts, New York School of Visual Theatre Seattle University Self-employed Seminar on politics-Annapolis, MD Senior High School, Greensboro Shamoon College of Engineering Shatil Sheba Medical Center Hospital at Tel Hashomer Shenandoah University Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art Shenkar ג€“ Engineering. Design. Art Shippensburg University Siena College, School of Liberal Arts Simmons College Simon Fraser University Skidmore College Smith College Smithsonian Ins. National Museum of Natural Histor Snapshot Spectra Socratic Arts ,Inc. Sorbonne University Soroka Medical Center Southern Adventist University Southern California Institute of Architecture Southern Illinois University Southern Methodist University Space Technology Labs Springfield College St. Andrew's School St. Catherine University St. Edward's University St. George's University St. John's College Santa Fe St. John's University St. Olaf College St.Mary's College of Maryland Stanford Research Institute Stanford University State University of New York State University of New York at Plattsburgh State University of New York, College at Cortland Stetson University Stevens Institute of Technology Stony Brook University SUNY SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill SUNY RF Supreme Court & Hebrew University Swarthmore College, PA Sweet Briar College Syracuse University Tabeetha School & de la Salle Bros Talpiot College of Education Tamalpa Institute Teachers College, Columbia University Teachers Development Program-TDP Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Tecnhion-Israel Institute of the Negev/ Ben Gurion University Tel Aviv Municipality Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov) Tel Aviv University Tel-Aviv University and Ben Gurion University of the Negev Tel-Hai Academic College Temple University Texas A&M University Texas Institute for the Art in Education Texas State University The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel ג€“ Haifa The Academic College at Wingate The Academic College of Tel-Aviv ג€“ Yaffo The Achva Academic College The Arab Academic College of Education The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard The Catholic University of America The City College of New York The City University of New York The Cleveland Museum of Natural History The College of Management ג€“ Academic Studies The College of Sakhnin for Teacher Education The College of the Holy Cross The Galilee Center for Social Research The George Washington University The Graduate Center, CUNY The Harry S. Truman Research Institute The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Tel Aviv University The Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Ben Gurion of the Negev The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Inter-University Computation Center (IUCC) The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance The Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati The Jewish Theological Seminary The Juilliard School The Levinsky College of Education The Medical University of South Carolina The Mofet Institute The National Museum of Cleveland The New School The Ohio State University The Open University of Israel The Planning Administration The Rockefeller University The Salk Institute for Biological Studies The Sapir Academic College The Scripps Research Institute The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center The University of Toledo Towson University Trinity International University Tufts University Tulane University U.of Haifa+Technion U.S. Atomic Energy Commission U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Military Academy U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Office of Education U.S.I.S. Uni. of Chicago/Northwestern/Minnesota United States Military Academy, West Point United States Naval Academy Univ.Texas, Austin; Univ.Illinois, Urban-Champaign University at Albany University at Buffalo University of Akron University of Alabama University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Alaska Southeast University of Alberta University of Arizona University of Arkansas University of California University of California University of California San Diego University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego University of California, San Francisco University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Cruz University of Cambridge University of Central Florida University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Denver University of Connecticut University of Delaware University of Denver University of Derby University of Detroit Mercy University of Florida University of Georgia University of Haifa University of Haifa; Technion University of Hartford University of Hawaii University of Heidelberg University of Houston University of Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Springfield University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois Chicago University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Kentucky University of London University of Louisville University of Maryland University of Maryland School of Medicine University of Maryland University College University of Maryland, Baltimore University of Maryland, College Park University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Boston University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey University of Memphis University of Miami University of Michigan University of Michigan/Princeton University of Minnesota University of Mississippi University of Missouri University of Missouri-Kansas City University of Montana University of New Hampshire University of New Haven University of New Mexico University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina Wilmington University of North Dakota University of North Georgia University of North Texas University of Northern Colorado University of Northern Iowa University of Notre Dame University of Oklahoma University of Oregon University of Ottawa University of Oxford University of Pennsylvania University of Petra University of Pittsburgh University of Portland University of Rhode Island University of Richmond University of Rochester University of San Diego University of Scranton University of South Carolina University of South Florida University of Southern California University of St. Thomas University of St.Thomas University of Sussex University of Syracuse/ Harvard University University of Tennessee Health Science Center University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Texas University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Dallas University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center University of the Arts University of the District of Columbia University of Toronto University of Utah University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Washington University of Washington/LSU Baton Rouge University of Wichita University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee University of Wisconsin/Columbia University of Wyoming US Department of Veterans Affairs USC/UCLA Utah State University UWG (advertising firm) Vanderbilt University Vassar College Villanova University Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Tech Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University Washington State University Washington University in St. Louis Wayne State University Weizmann & Tel Aviv University Weizmann Institute of Science Weizmann Youth Center Wellesley College Wesleyan College Wesleyan University West Virginia State University Western Galilee College Western Michigan University Western Oklahoma State College Western Reserve/Texas/Harvard Western Washington University Westminster College Whitehead Institute William Penn College Williams College Winslow Junior High School Woods Hole Worcester Polytechnic Institute Xavier University Yad Vashem Yale University Yarmouk University Yeshiva University Youth Dept. Jewish Agency Youth Development Center, West Virginia Zichron-Yaacov Local Council Ziv Medical Center
Program Distinguished Teacher English Teaching Assistant Fellow Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Global Scholar Award Hubert H. Humphrey Inter-country lecturer International Writing Program Israeli Arab Scholarship Master's Degree MENA Regional Program PhD Research Postdoctoral Scholar Specialist Student USA
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