Natalia was awarded a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue her research project titled "The Role of Clean Beauty Products in Shaping Personal and Social Perception." Her project will explore ethical consumerism in the beauty market, specifically focusing on the psychological impacts of green products on self and social perception. Incorporating experimental and marketing analysis techniques, the study aims to enhance the competitive market position of these products.
Natalia received a BA in psychology from Reichman University, an MA in social psychology, an MA in gender studies, and a PhD in marketing (consumer behavior) from Tel Aviv University. Her PhD research explores the underlying psychological mechanisms that explain the association between morality and beauty from a consumer perspective.
Her recent publication:
Kononov, N., & Ein-Gar, D. (2023). Beautiful Strangers: Physical Evaluation of Strangers Is Influenced by Friendship Expectation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672231180150.